The Shelly Cashnian Series? offers the finest textbooks in computer education-This .Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 book utilizes an innovative step-bv-step pedagogy, ?which integrates demonstrations of professional-quality programs with in-depth discussions of programming concepts and techniques and opportunities for hands-on practice and reinforcement. The popular Guided Program Development section supports stu- dents as they work independently to create useful, realistic, and appealing Applications,building their confidence and skills while guiding them to select appro ????? Visual Basic 2010 programming methods. Online Reinforcement boxes direct students to online videos that show how to perform a series of steps. Other marginal elements, such as In the Real World boxe?,provide expert tips to add interest and depth to topics. A robust and varied collection of exercises, including ? series of practical case-based programming projects, ensures students gain the knowledge and expert tee they need to succeed when developing professional programs.
Visual Basic 2010 builds on the features of Visual Basic 2008. which introduced coding once and deploying on multiple platforms. Some of the major enhancements To Visual Basic 2010 include rapid application development tools, a redesigned interface that supports Windows Presentation Foundation, dual-monitor support, improved IntelliScnsc features to increase productivity,and a more helpful debugging experience. Using Visual Basic 2010, you can design, create, and deploy Windows, Web, Database, and Office applications. Visual Studio 2010 includes several produc- tivity enhancements including IntelliScnsc tools, new and updated project types, Silvcrlight expanded sample applications, and more.
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