Friday, August 31, 2012

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Match Schedule
Competition: College football NCAA premiership 2012
Teams: Northern Colorado Bears vs Utah Utes
Date : Thursday, August30, 2012
Kick Off: 7:15 pm ET

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The Business of Law: Trotz ge?ndertem Programm: Meiden Sie die ...

This is an update and follow up to my first post on GOAL and KPOC, who are responsible for the Global LPO and Litigation Outsourcing conferences in London and New York.

After I disclosed in ?Conference Scam: Beware of GOAL? how GOAL and KPOC have stolen most of the topics for their London and New York conference from ACC and other organizations, GOAL reacted and initiated several measures to remedy at least some of the issues:

The statement GOAL issued yesterday on its website and LinkedIn Group is appreciated. However, this does not mean that all issues are solved:

  • The statement mentions that ?External Research and IT Teams made a mistake.? The setting of the agenda should be the core responsibility of every conference organizer. It is difficult to understand how you can outsource this task to an external research team. Also, it is more than embarrassing if an outsourcing association (GOAL) or outsourcing consulting company (KPOC) seems not to be in a position to choose reliable external outsourcing partners.
  • I am surprised that the statement does not mention who the External Research and IT Teams were that made a mistake. The site with all Goal partners lists one Research Partner, RichCount. The link to reveals a parked website, no further information. Owner of the parked domain is Neeraj Parnami, Neyox Outsourcing Pvt. Ltd., West Coast 1235 Puerta del Sol, #100 San Clemente. GOAL and KPOC have exactly the same US address. It seems that the mistake was not caused by an external partner, but by a very close affiliate of GOAL / KPOC. Furthermore: If Neyox and RichCount were involved in this mistake, why are they then still listed and recommended to the conference audience as partners?
  • The statement understates that ?few? of the topics have been copied from ACC. Fact is however, that GOAL copied 44% of the NY and 63% of the London conference topics from ACC.
  • The corrected speakers information for the London event contained again one member of ACC Europe?s board that never confirmed participation. Only after this person complained with P. Parnami, his picture and bio was removed.
  • The statement offers no information or explanation on the issues raised in section 3 of this post. How is GOAL organized? Who are the directors? How are they elected? What are the rights of GOAL members? Who is in charge of GOAL?s finances? What happens with GOAL?s profits? Why are speakers made believe that they act for GOAL when factually all profits of webinars and conferences are to the benefit of KPOC? How do GOAL and KPOC cooperate? Is the profit of the conferences and webinars shared with GOAL, does GOAL profit in any way from its cooperation with KPOC? What happens with the member fees paid by GOAL members? Where can members see tha accounts of GOAL? etc.

Given their past mistakes, GOAL was well advised to make these changes to program and website and to issue the statement. However, blaming an anonymous third party seems to me no more than a paltry excuse. I somehow have the impression that the persons behind the organization knew exactly what they were doing: ?Let?s try it, if someone complains, we can still re-draft the program. Not much to worry here, non-profit organizations like ACC are not aggressive, maybe they complain, but chances are low that they sue us.?

Reputable organizations do not use such methods, and if they outsource certain tasks, they ensure that the outsourcing partners are reliable and comply with the law. I therefore still advise to avoid GOAL and their conferences. There are sufficient alternatives, you should choose one of these alternatives if you want to spend your money for conferences.


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Kenyan leader calls for 'tolerance' in riot-hit city

Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki called for "tolerance" in the port of Mombasa Thursday, as he visited the troubled city after days of violence sparked by the killing of a radical Muslim cleric.

"We must maintain peace, which is the foundation of democracy," Kibaki said to crowds in Mombasa. "We must embrace tolerance and co-exist peacefully as one nation."

Authorities insist security has been restored. Hundreds of armed officers have been deployed to quash stone-throwing rioters who took to the streets in their hundreds following the assassination of preacher Aboud Rogo Mohammed on Monday.

"We have tightened security, we have enough security forces," said regional police chief Aggrey Adoli, speaking a day after attackers hurled a grenade at a police truck, wounding at least four officers. "We have not had problems today."

The attack, in which the Red Cross said one person was killed, was the second such blast since riots broke out on Monday, with an earlier grenade killing three policemen on Tuesday.

Kibaki flew to Mombasa to open an agricultural trade fair, a longstanding engagement, but one which is also viewed as a government effort to show confidence in security in the city, Kenya's main port and a key tourist hub.

For two days, angry youths fought running battles with police, looting churches and torching cars. But Muslim leaders said Thursday the situation had improved, with many businesses closed during the rioting now open.

"Things are much calmer after last night's house to house searches by the police... Mombasa is slowly returning to normal," said Khalid Hussein, head of the local organisation Muslims for Human Rights.

"All we can do is pray that police do not go out on a revenge mission since some of their own have fallen victim to the violence. This might provoke the rioters again."

The murdered cleric -- popularly known as Rogo -- was on US and UN sanctions lists for allegedly supporting neighbouring Somalia's Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab militants.

Rogo had fiercely opposed Kenya's invasion of southern Somalia last year to attack Shebab bases. The United States and United Nations had accused him of recruiting and fundraising for the extremist insurgents.

Prime Minister Raila Odinga on Wednesday visited Mombasa, where he called for the nation to come together to stop religious violence.

"We are not going to allow outside forces to incite Kenyans to create religious war," Odinga said, after meeting with religious leaders from the majority-Muslim region, which also has a significant Christian population.

Foreign embassies -- including those of Australia, Britain, France and the United States -- have issued travel warnings for Mombasa, where several large tourist resorts are based.

Rogo was killed Monday in Mombasa when unidentified gunmen opened fire on his vehicle as he was driving with his wife and children, leaving it riddled with bullets.

Images released by his supporters showed his bloody corpse slumped behind the wheel. His wife and children reportedly survived the attack.

Human Rights Watch has called for a probe into the killing, noting it "follows the abductions and deaths earlier this year of several other people charged with recruitment and other offences related to the Shebab."

Rogo's supporters accused the security forces of murdering him, calling his death an "extra-judicial killing". The police reject the claim and have appealed for help in hunting down those responsible.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Video: Shelter dogs get makeovers to find forever homes

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Immigration Provisions in GOP Platform Are Consistent With ...

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Marco Rubio: GOP Has Immigration 'Challenge' ? Peace and Freedom

By George?Stephanopoulos?|?ABC OTUS News

Florida Sen.?Marco Rubio?told me this morning that he agreed with Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who said Tuesday that?you can?t just trot out a brown face or a Spanish surname and expect people are going to vote for your party or your candidate.?

Villaraigosa was referring to the number of prominent Hispanic Republicans slated to speak at the?Republican National Conventionthis week, but Rubio said the mayor?s message applies to both parties.

?I think what he?s saying, quite frankly, is true for both parties,? said Rubio,?who spoke to me this morning on ?Good Morning America.? ?Policies matter and, look, the Republican Party does have a challenge. We can?t just be the anti-illegal?immigration?party, we have to be the pro-legal immigration party.

?We have a broken system of immigration that needs to be fixed and we have a legal immigration problem because we have millions of people who are in this country without documents and we have to deal with that in a way that honors our legacy both as a nation of compassion and a nation of immigrants but also as a nation of laws. That?s a real challenge. That?s not an easy thing to do. We?re going to confront that not by pandering, not by making unrealistic promises but by trying to find a balanced approach to how to deal with it.?

Recent polls show that?Mitt Romney, the GOP nominee for president,?is struggling with Latino voters. Hispanics are a growing minority in the United States and a key demographic in Rubio?s home state of Florida, a crucial swing state in the presidential election. Romney has expressed views on immigration seen as being to the right of former?President George W. Bush?- who was for comprehensive?immigration reform?- while President Obama, who has much higher support among Latino voters, issued an executive order earlier this year that would?allow some undocumented immigrants legal status.

Rubio told me this morning that Romney would replace this policy.

?I think he?s going to replace it. That?s what I think you can expect from the Romney presidency and I think the obligation of some of us in the Congress is to find that permanent solution,? Rubio, 41, said. ?It was something I was working on, that I continue to work on, an alternative to the DREAM Act that allows us to continue to deal with that issue but not in a way that?s amnesty and not in a way that encourages illegal immigration in the future.?

Rubio, who is Cuban-American, is among several?Hispanic Republicans?who?have prominent roles?at the Republican National Convention this week. Rubio will introduce Romney Thursday night on the final night of the convention in Tampa, Fla., before the former Massachusetts governor formally accepts the GOP nomination for president.

?I hope to present to the people of the United States in the few minutes that I have, two things. A very unique human being, Mitt Romney, who has lived his life in a way that?s not just admirable but really a role model, irrespective of how people may feel about his policies, they may disagree with him on policies, but you look at the way he?s lived his life as a husband, as a father, as a member of his community, really a role model for younger Americans and what we should all aspire for our kids to be,? Rubio said.

?And then, also, the choice that America has between two very different views of government?s role in our economy. That?s really what this election is about. It?s not just a choice between a Democrat and a Republican, it?s a choice between two very different futures. I hope I can do that for him.?

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Tags: campaign 2012, election, George Stephanopoulos, GOP Has Immigration 'Challenge', Hispanics, immigrants, immigration, immigration issue, latinos, Marco Rubio, News, Republican Party, Romney, Ryan, Voters


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

RI board OKs $1M loan guarantee for energy firm

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) ? The board of the Rhode Island Economic Development Corp. has voted to guarantee a $1 million loan to a newly formed Providence-based solar energy company.

The EDC board voted Monday to approve the financing deal for eNow Inc.. The company was created last year to develop solar energy panels for trucks and buses designed to generate clean energy while reducing the vehicle's fuel consumption.

The loan guarantee was approved under new rules intended to protect taxpayers by capping the size of loan guarantees and requiring companies to invest some of their own money before asking for state help.

In 2010 the EDC gave a $75 million loan guarantee to former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling's failed video game company, 38 Studios. The company has filed for bankruptcy.


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Photos: Hurricane Isaac as seen from space

Click on the image to enlarge. (

The image above, taken by NASA's Terra satellite's MODIS (or "Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer"), shows Hurricane Isaac approaching the Louisiana coastline at 1:30 p.m. CT on Tuesday, shortly after the storm achieved hurricane status.

The image below, taken by NASA's GEOS-12 satellite in late August 2005, shows Hurricane Katrina approaching at nearly the same point.

Hurricane Katrina as seen from space. (


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Police: Md. teen brought shotgun, vodka to school

PERRY HALL, Md. (AP) ? A 15-year-old sophomore at a suburban Baltimore high school who made references to murder-suicide on Facebook has been charged as an adult in the shooting of a classmate on the first day of school, authorities said Tuesday.

Robert Wayne Gladden Jr. was being held without bail on charges of attempted first-degree murder and first-degree assault, Baltimore County police said. A preliminary hearing was scheduled for Sept. 7. The state's attorney's office did not know if he had a lawyer.

Gladden's last status update on his Facebook page, posted the morning of the shooting, read: "First day of school, last day of my life. ... f--- the world."

His father told The Associated Press that his son had been bullied. Baltimore County Police Chief James Johnson said at a news conference Tuesday that he was aware of the reported bullying, but he said Gladden has not indicated in conversations with detectives that bullying was a motive for the shooting. He did not disclose other possible motives.

Gladden continues to cooperate with investigators and was undergoing a mental health evaluation, Johnson said.

Gladden rode to school on the bus Monday morning with a bag containing a disassembled shotgun, 21 rounds of ammunition and a bottle of vodka, Johnson said.

When he arrived at school, Gladden went to his first two classes, Johnson said. On the way to the cafeteria, he stashed the bag with the shotgun in a restroom, the chief said. A short time later, he returned to the restroom and assembled the gun, which he then hid beneath his clothes, Johnson said.

Upon entering the cafeteria, he pulled out the gun and fired a shot toward a lunch table, according to charging documents. A 17-year-old classmate, Daniel Borowy, was struck in the back.

Teachers and school staff then rushed toward the teen, and in the ensuing struggle, he fired another shot that hit the ceiling, investigators said in the documents. The staffers were able to get the gun away from him and he was arrested by a school resource officer.

Witnesses credited guidance counselor Jesse Wasmer with getting the gun away from Gladden.

Gladden sipped from the vodka bottle before the shooting but did not drink enough to become intoxicated, Johnson said.

The teen obtained the shotgun from his father's house, Johnson said. The weapon was manufactured before 1968 and was of legal length, and police were trying to determine whether it was properly registered, he said.

On his Facebook page, Gladden referred to mass murderer Charles Manson and gave himself the nickname "SuicidalSmile." The page, identified by classmates as belonging to the suspected shooter, was just launched in July, and the three photos of Gladden all show his face hidden behind long, dark hair. He describes himself as a "metalhead" and a fan of musicians Marilyn Manson and Slipknot.

The suspect's father, Robert W. Gladden, told the AP Monday evening that his son was the shooter and indicated his son had been bullied. He gave no further details.

A woman who was also at the home in Middle River and said she was related to the elder Gladden gave the following statement on the family's behalf: "We are horrified. We did not see this coming and our thoughts and prayers are with the victim and the victim's family."

Borowy remained in critical condition Tuesday at Maryland Shock Trauma Center, a hospital spokeswoman said. His family issued a statement asking well-wishers to keep him in their thoughts and prayers and asking for privacy.

Police also executed a search warrant at the Kingsville home of Gladden's mother and stepfather and arrested the stepfather ? Andrew Piper, 43 ? on illegal gun and drug possession charges, police said. The charges against Piper had nothing to do with the school shooting, Johnson said, but he noted that Gladden lived part-time at that address.

Classes resumed Tuesday at the school amid a low-key police presence. About 150 students turned out for a prayer vigil organized by local churches on the school grounds. Some students wore T-shirts and bracelets reading "Pray for Daniel" and "Team Wasmer" in reference to the victim and the guidance counselor.

Shane Boyer, 44, who was dropping off his 13-year-old daughter Corinne, said the vigil helped calm students still dealing with the shooting. Boyer said he knew immediately that his daughter was safe after the shooting because he received text messages from her. One read, "Someone just shot a gun in lunch," followed by another that said, "I ran out I am do (sic) scared there's helicopters + cops + we are all outside."


Nuckols reported from Washington.


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Tech Tuesday ? Workers' Comp Claims Go Mobile - ISU Insurance ...

According to a recent Insurance Journal article, the University of Alabama of Birmingham has created a new mobile application for workers? compensation claims.

Who It?s For: Any company with a workers? compensation claim. The application created by UAB is currently being utilized by the managers and supervisors of the local businesses with whom UBA partners to handle workers? comp claims.

How It Works: The manager or supervisor downloads the mobile application to his or her smart phone or computer. An icon appears on the phone or computer screen that, when clicked, opens to a web browser with a form. When an employee is injured on the job, the manager fills out this form with the injured person?s information and details of the injury. This form is then submitted to the Emergency Department as the patient is being transported to the hospital.

The Benefits:

  • Expedites patient care
  • Allows for better service to the injured employee and the employer
  • Ensures accurate information is sent to the Emergency Department so healthcare professionals know exactly what to expect
  • Claims forms and paperwork are properly sent
  • Drug and alcohol tests are done in a efficient and effective manner

To read the full article, click here.


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PFT: Vick insists he's not injury-prone

Brandon Brooks, Derek NewtonAP

After the Texans surprisingly cut right tackle Eric Winston in the offseason, it was assumed that veteran Rashad Butler, acquired in 2007 on waivers from the Panthers, would get the job.

Assume again.

Coach Gary Kubiak said Monday that Derek Newton, a seventh-round pick in 2001, has won the spot at the top of the depth chart.

?Looking at the body of work, I think it was very, very close, as I told y?all all along,? Kubiak said in comments transcribed and distributed by the team.? ?I think the thing that has moved this toward Newton is watching his progress, watching where he was the end of last year going to the offseason, going through camp, watching him get better and better and better.? Did a good job the other night.? Young player that we think?s ascending.? We know that there?s a lot of things he?s got to clean up, but we think he?s definitely committed to doing that, just like the way he?s progressed.? So we?ll give him an opportunity to do it.? Big responsibility but we think he?s ready for it.?

Kubiak credited offensive line coach John Benton for developing the team?s linemen.? ?He?s taken, you go back to [Mike)]Brisiel, free agent, we go get Chris [Myers], [Benton] comes in here and Chris becomes a Pro Bowl center.? Wade [Smith] coming in here as a free agent.? Some of the work that John has done since his stay here in Houston has been exceptional.?

?This is a big opportunity for me,? a smiling Newton said.? ?Coming from a small school, two years of high school [football].? Coming from a small town, not many people make it, but the grind, it was tough.? I had a lot of friends [and] a lot of family support back home and they helped me get through it.?

The Texans have extra-high hopes for Newton, who appeared in 14 regular-season games as a rookie, with no starts.

?We watch him play each week and we just see things that give him a chance to be a great player, not just a good player,? Kubiak said.

The Texans had one of the best offensive lines in football last season, blowing open running lanes with a zone-blocking scheme and protecting the quarterback in a West Coast passing attack that often rolls the quarterback out.? This year, 40 percent of that line is being replaced.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Basic Ideas of Making WOW Gold - Home and Family Articles

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PFT: Peyton knows he's on a one-year deal


Colts owner Jim Irsay does something that no other NFL owner does.

He tweets regularly.? He tweets aggressively.? He tweets without a filter.? He tweets without the benefit of having anyone in the organization with the ability or the will to tell him that maybe he should resist the urge to press the ?Tweet? button.

And his tweets naturally will generate criticism.? After all, Twitter is the great social equalizer, giving fans the ability to dress down the rich and powerful without ever having to face them.? And anything Irsay tweets on any topic that treads remotely close to controversial territory will generate responses from folks who relish the opportunity to pop off at a natural target who makes the target even larger by his tweets.

We like the fact that Irsay tweets.? Otherwise, we never would have known that Irsay?s Colts are engaged in trade talks with a still-unknown team about a still-unknown veteran player.

But the criticism of his ?trade winds? tweets seems to be getting to Irsay, who has lashed out at critics with, yes, a stream of fresh tweets.

It started out OK, with Irsay explaining that he?s merely engaged in customer relations:? ?ColtsFans pay hard earned $ 2c their team play,they make the game! So I?ll update them as I see fit while protecting sanctity of operations!?

But then he turned indignant:? ?If u don?t like it buy ur own team and try to make the playoffs 9 seasons n a row n put together 7 straight 12 win seasons n a row as Owner!?

And then he declared victory, and he presumably has retreated:? ?U can do all your judgmental chirpin? U want,it?s not about subjective opinions?it what you DO n what your track record shows! CHECKMATE!?

The second tweet is the most troubling.? Taunting folks who never will have the money to buy a team is bad enough; Irsay conveniently ignores the fact that he didn?t buy a team, either.? He inherited one.

Also, it?s hard for an owner to publicly claim credit for winning.? Yes, Irsay hired Bill Polian and Tony Dungy.? Yes, Irsay has managed not to meddle in the affair of the team.? But Irsay benefited greatly from the fact that he team was bad enough in 1997 to get in position to draft Peyton Manning in 1998.

And if Andrew Luck turns out to be the next great franchise quarterback, Irsay will have benefited greatly from the fact that Peyton?s neck gave out and the team went 2-14 in the same year that Luck was entering the NFL.

Regardless of whether an erratic and unpredictable approach to Twitter projects the image the NFL wants from its owners, the NFL surely doesn?t want one of its owners antagonizing the customers on Twitter, regardless of whether they are fans of the Colts or one of the other 31 teams.? Regardless, he?s providing another wrinkle in what remains the ultimate reality show.


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Coming to Tampa? Tips to keep Isaac at bay

The Weather Channel's Bryan Norcross tracks Tropical Storm Isaac's movement and predictions about where it is headed.

Kerry Sanders, NBC News writes

Dear delegates to the Republican National Convention and visitors:

Welcome to Florida and Isaac.

I've covered hurricanes for 30 years, from as far south as El Salvador to the tip of Long Island at Montauk Point.

So if you are from a landlocked state or one far from the hurricane zone, a few tips that you won't see on most lists:

*Pack some zip-lock bags. You will need them to protect so much -- from your phone to a pair of socks you put in your pocket or purse.

*Bring shoes that you can walk in water with.

Since you don't want boots, as those won't work well headed to the convention hall, try Crocs. Put your shoes in your hand, roll up your pants, slog thru the water and dry off. Crocs dry easily and are weightless -- you can stuff them in your bag/purse.

Trust me, you can't escape the puddles, and those odd-colored Crocs are just fun enough to make people smile in the misery.

Want to skip Crocs? Get some bread bags and rubber bands to cover your shoes. It's ugly but works.

*Get a tiny pin flashlight that goes on your key chain. You won't need it here with all the auxiliary power, but it's nice peace of mind.

*Grab a baseball cap to protect your hair from the rain.

*Umbellas are a pain. They blow inside out. You need a very light rain coat. (It's hot during a hurricane/tropical storm, and you don't want a coat that makes you perspire or worse: sweat!)

*Finally, don't focus on the category of the storm.?I've seen tropical storms create more havoc than a category 2 storm.

Inside the forum, you won't even know there's a storm. And if you're a guest at the beach while your loved one is busy with politics, bring a book, and if the weather doesn't clear up by Wednesday, consider a drive inland. Orlando and the theme parks are only twohours or so away. Just check to see of the skies are sunny nearby.


Kerry Sanders is a?Miami-based correspondent for NBC News

Florida's governor declares a state of emergency as residents and tourists flee Key West. Storm preparations are under way all along the Gulf Coast. NBC's Thanh Truong reports.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Blogging my way to health and fitness: Benefits of Aromatherapy ...

By Adrian Oscavry

When we speak of alternative medicine, aromatherapy is one of those which is widely used.The use of these aromatic oils has been spreading all over the world.A lot of people believe that it can ease their symptoms.

But the use of these aromatic oils is not solely for medication.This is the reason why the use of these oils is encouraged by a lot of medical practictioners.It is not just something done for healing but also for overall wellness.

The practice can be traced back to old civilizations.The Chinese were among the first users of aromatic oils.But records show that the use of aromatic oils was also found in the Greek peninsula.These oils have also been used in various religious practices and rituals.Up to this date, a lot of people are still finding good use for these aromatic oils.

The following are some of the most important benefits of aromatherapy:

* Medicinal-It is originally and is still used for medication.Most of these oils serve as medications.A lot of these oils have antibacterial properties that clean the air and help heal when applied to infected areas.Menthol oils can also be inhaled to relieve cold symptoms.

* Calming-This will help ease your tension.

* Stress relieving-The soothing scent of these oils can help get rid of stress.The aroma calms the nerves and allows you to think clearer.

* Sleep inducing- People with insomnia and sleep problems can find relief with aromatic oils.One of the reasons why people have insomnia is stress and tension so when the aroma relaxes you, you will get that needed sleep.

* Healing-It does not only help heal certain illnesses but also relieves pain.When your tissues are relaxed you are relieved of the pain.

* Boosting the immune system-Decreased stress and better sleep will help boost your immune system.This helps you fight common diseases and keeps you healthy.

* Modifying behavior-Stress can often lead to mood swings and irritability.Studies show that essential oils have a positive effect on the mood and temperament of people.This is useful especially for those who have hormonal imbalances or even mood disorders.


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Sunderland vs. Reading EPL match postponed

Associated Press Sports

updated 11:58 a.m. ET Aug. 25, 2012

SUNDERLAND, England (AP) -Sunderland's Premier League match on Saturday against Reading has been postponed due to a waterlogged pitch.

The northeastern club says on its website there was "torrential rain across Wearside overnight and throughout Saturday" at the Stadium of Light.

Referee Neil Swarbrick called the game off following a pitch inspection. A new date has not yet been announced.

The postponement means Reading fans will have made a 960-kilometer round-trip from the south without seeing their side play.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Viewpoint: An Ecological View of Economics | Eugene Daily News



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Viewpoint: Dr. David Crabtree

The economy is constantly in a state of flux and, in the modern world, will continue to change rapidly. This makes economic policy decisions very difficult because something that worked in the past will not necessarily work now. Even if one can identify some of the changes in the economy that have happened since the last time a remedy was applied, no one could identify all of the changes that have happened and the new dynamics that may have developed.

The economy is analogous to an ecological system. An ecological system has a natural (albeit dynamic) equilibrium.

In my adult lifetime, I can remember two occasions when I heard economic experts proclaim that we had entered into a ?new economy.? One time was leading up to the dot-com bubble, and the other time was leading up to the current recession. In both instances, these experts were claiming that our economy had become so stable and prosperous and our understanding of its workings so good that we would never again experience a major downturn. In retrospect, such proclamations were clearly wishful thinking.

I would argue that such proclamations will always be wishful thinking. The economy is always changing, but it will never become perfect because that would require the perfection of mankind. Economic relationships are just a subset of all interpersonal relationships. And just as interpersonal relationships are plagued by our sinfulness, economic relationships will always be tainted with selfishness, greed, and mistrust.

Charley Dewberry, a tutor at Gutenberg College, has suggested that the economy is analogous to an ecological system. An ecological system has a natural (albeit dynamic) equilibrium. If it gets out of balance, natural mechanisms kick into action bringing it back to balance. But that balance is a delicate one. When a big change gets it way out of balance, it can take a long time to find a new equilibrium. Human activity is so powerful that it can get an ecological system way out of balance, and continuing human activity can get in the way of the recovery.

An economic system is similar in that there seems to be a natural (also dynamic) equilibrium in economics. This was what Adam Smith found so amazing and is the subject of his book, the?Wealth of Nations. He recognized that if a society?s economy is adequately decentralized and well governed, then it functions amazingly well. The result is a measure of general prosperity that improves the lives of all and is significantly greater than in societies where these conditions do not exist. Classical economics has sought to delineate the principles that enable a society to be adequately decentralized and well governed.

One of the valued principles of classical economics is competition in an economic system. A healthy economy, like a healthy ecological system, is brought about by a competitive environment. Competition instills a discipline that forces people to be productive and attentive to the demands of the marketplace. But in order for that competition to foster economic health, it needs to be fair. It is the good and proper role of government to make sure that the competition is fair. Friedrick Von Hayek, in his book the?Road to Serfdom,?describes what constitutes the proper role of government in the economy. He describes economic activity in a society as being similar to a game. In order for the game to work, there need to be rules. Those rules need to set the parameters of the game but not be partial to any person or group of people. Those rules also need to be enforced, justly and consistently. So the proper role of government is to be a referee who keeps the players faithful to the established rules.

Friedrick Von Hayek, in his book the Road to Serfdom, describes economic activity in a society as being similar to a game. In order for the game to work, there need to be rules.

In any competitive game, there will always be a huge temptation to gain an unfair advantage. All players are to one degree or another inclined to cheat. This is no less true in a competitive economy. Some of the biggest opponents of an even economic playing field are well established, prosperous economic entities. These may be corporations; they may be unions; they may be associations. What they share in common is that they have gained a place in the economy and don?t want their position challenged by upstarts. So they use their power and influence to get the government to violate its role as impartial referee and act in their favor. They are in favor of regulations that make it hard for their competition, but they oppose regulations that impinge on their activities, even when those activities are harmful to society.

The other main opponents of an even economic playing field are everyone else. We all want the government to act in a way that benefits us, even if it is to the detriment of the economic environment as a whole. We want entitlements; we want collective bargaining; we want minimum wage laws; we want government subsidies; we want economic security. So we elect representatives who will deliver, and we put pressure on the government to act in a way that will benefit us. After all, it is government?s duty to serve us!

Consequently, there is huge pressure on the government to act not as a fair referee but rather as a grantor of favors. To the extent that the government gives into this pressure, it ceases to be a referee and becomes a player. This transformation is doubly dangerous. Firstly, it is dangerous because society loses its referee, and there is no other entity capable of fulfilling that role in the government?s stead. Secondly, it is dangerous because the government is not just any player; it has resources that make its participation in the economy unique. Like a whale in a swimming pool, its slightest move generates huge waves.

If we return now to the analogy of the economy being like an ecological system, the government?s impact on the economy has the potential of throwing it way out of balance. The more the government is involved, the greater that potential. So we are in a very dangerous situation. We, the members of our society, are naturally inclined to constantly urge the government to become a player in the economy. To the extent that we are successful in this, we mess up the natural economic equilibrium. To the extent that the government messes up the economic equilibrium, the economy becomes less and less functional. To the extent that the economy becomes less functional, we increase the pressure on the government to ?fix? it. All of this gets us further and further from any kind of healthy equilibrium. I don?t know if an economy can be ruined beyond repair, but I would prefer to not find out.

This analysis, if correct, suggests two important implications for economic policy.

First, everyone in our society needs to respect the economy and to encourage government to play its proper role. There has been an emphasis in professional sports in recent years that I find very interesting. Leagues are working to clean up their sports. They seem to be working to curtail serious injury and acts of disrespect for referees and members of the opposing teams. If teams are allowed to pursue winning at all costs and are not kept within reasonable parameters, they will destroy the sport for everyone. For example, if teams are allowed to intentionally injure the opposing quarterback, they will quickly find themselves in a situation where everyone who has the ability to play quarterback well will be carried off the field. We all know that that would make the game far less interesting. So leagues are realizing that if they don?t maintain the integrity of their sport, everyone involved in the sport will suffer. Hence the emphasis on ?respecting the game.? Similarly, we need to recognize the need for all of us ?to respect the economy.?

Second, we need to recognize that the economy is so complex that no one knows what the cumulative impact of new enactments will be. We also need to recognize that the government is a huge factor in the economy, even when it is just playing its proper role as referee. When government becomes a player in the economy, its impact is even greater. So whenever the government acts, its impact on the economy is magnified. Since the economy is so big and complex, we don?t know what the repercussions of any given act will be. Good intentions are not enough to assure good policy. History is filled with examples of well-intended policies leading to extremely bad results. Nevertheless, since the economy is constantly changing, the rules of the game need to be constantly adjusted. But this analysis suggests that it would be prudent to change economic policy incrementally so as to allow policy makers time to observe the impact of the first incremental change before they institute the next incremental change. Incremental change would require patience on the part of the populace, and such patience would only be possible if the populace understood clearly the reason and the importance for the patience.

Both of these implications are especially difficult in a democracy because political power ultimately rests in the hands of the people as a whole, and abiding by these principles requires a great deal of understanding, discipline, and patience from the populace. I don?t know if we, as a society, have this kind of maturity. I guess we will see.

David Crabtree.

Dr. David Crabtree is the President of Gutenberg College in Eugene, Oregon.

He was born and raised in Oregon. He received his B.A.?in Russian Languages and Literature in 1975 from the University of?Washington. After finishing college, David attended Scribe School at?Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto, California. Over the next few?years, he made several extended trips to Europe, spending about three?years in three different counties. Twice he went to Leningrad (now?St. Petersburg) to study Russian at Leningrad State University. In 1982, he began working for McKenzie Study?Center (MSC), where he had met his wife, Susan.

The Crabtrees currently?live on a small farm just outside Eugene, where David and Susan have?raised and homeschooled their four children. David earned an M.A. in Classical Greek and a Ph.D. in?History from the University of Oregon.


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Olympics: what needed, what's not | Greg Smith Personal Training

Having just watched (Channel 9) coverage of the Olympics, it seemed to me there?s a need to ditch some events. Of course everyone will have their likes and dislikes, but some events are just plain ridiculous.

Walking. It has to go. I mean, who walks like that, anyway? Looks like it?s bad for the hips and knees. John Cleese would probably not be happy it it disappeared.

Synchronised swimming. Another ridiculous spectacle (and what a spectacle). I certainly know that it?s physically demanding, but, again, who does that?

Gymnastics. They really have to cut down on the number of events. I had to sit by Natasha throwing a ball, flinging a ribbon and then juggling some tenpins. Sure, all skilful but are they ALL necessary. Same goes for the vault. Skiil required, but I prefer my gymnastics to last longer than five seconds.

Swimming. Now I?m a swimmer and I?m bored by it. Too many events. Let?s just stick to freestyle and just have medleys, instead of events for every damn stroke. No one swims butterfly to save their lives anyway.

Equestrian. Again, too many disciplines. And what about those poor horses made to prance and stop? If we?re going to have dressage, then let?s have sheep dog trials.

Archery. Nice pastime, but boring.

In essence, I?m all for eliminating events which are judged subjectively. After all, the original ethos of the Olympics was faster, higher, stronger. Lets just have events which can be measured outright.?

A number of the sports I?ve mentioned aren?t really practised in third world nations. So the notion of inclusivity isn;t all that great at the Games. Equestrian, and sports like rowing and yachting, are a little beyond the budgets of nations like Western Samoa and Burma.

Finally, I?m not that much of a fan of what essentially has become a marketing activity for major corporations. And it?s a big ask for athletes to pin their hopes on an event held every four years. For me, world titles are much better indicator of performance.

So, good luck to Brazil. Pity they don?t spend that much on preserving the rainforest.


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Part-time health and wellness advisor. I've won world and Australian titles in surf swimming and iron man. I am a registered level 2 personal trainer with Fitness Australia. Fulltime I work in PR. I have a PhD in communications.


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Friday, August 24, 2012

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The Engadget Podcast is live tonight at 4:45PM!

News? We got it. Tim and Brian are joined once again by Dana this week, taking advantage of our scenic view of the Huffington Post newsroom. It's just like that TV show, only with fewer Sorkinisms. Come join us at 4:45PM ET, after the break.

August 23, 2012 4:45 PM EDT

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Celebrities to Once Again Stand Up to Cancer - The Hollywood Gossip

On September 7, A-listers from across Hollywood will once again come together. In order to Stand Up to Cancer.

The third telethon will raise money for cancer research and be broadcast simultaneously on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, BIO, E!, Encore, HBO, HBO Latino, ION Television, LMN, Logo, MLB Network, mun2, Palladia, Showtime, Smithsonian Channel, Starz, Style, TBS and VH1 at 8 p.m. EST.

Stand Up to Cancer Pic

With Taylor Swift, Alicia Keys, Coldplay and Tim McGraw set to perform, the stars involved will include:

Gwyneth Paltrow, Julia Roberts, Matt Damon, Michael Douglas, Jessica Biel, Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, Seth Rogen, Emma Stone, Simon Baker, Jordana Brewster, Diem Brown, Dana Delany, Chelsea Handler, Marg Helgenberger, Rashida Jones, Minka Kelly, Joe Manganiello, Jillian Michaels, Masi Oka, Ana Maria Polo and Alison Sweeney.

The first two telecasts took place on September 5, 2008 and September 10, 2010 and, to date, have raised more than $180 million for this important cause.


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

What Do Homophobic Bigots Really Think?

Demonstrators hold sign reading, 'homosexual marriage is an act of terrorism' as they chant slogans against same-sex marriages. Demonstrators at an anti-gay rally on May 18, 2004 in Los Angeles, Calif.

Photograph by David McNew/Getty Images.

There were thousands of comments in response to my last piece at Slate, in which I lashed out against Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy?s policy of funding anti-gay causes. I tried to dip in and out of the comment thread as often as I could while they were piling up, scanning them for interesting points (of which there were many). But I quickly lost track and had to get back to work on other projects.

Then a reader sent me a link to a discussion of my article at the popular conservative website Free Republic. It?s pure masochism for someone like me to wander such halls; I don?t need to read their posts to know just what ultraconservatives think of my ?homosexualism? and me. But curiosity got the better of me. And my, my, my, they really do hate us queers over there. It?s not just Free Republic, of course. Similar anti-gay sentiments are a staple of many gathering places online, not to mention those in the real world.

People are free in this country to say what they will, nasty though it is, about gays and lesbians. What to do about it, then? I believe that treating bigots as scientific specimens is the best way to disarm their hate. I can?t tackle all such propaganda in a single article (I won?t be able to cover the all-gay-men-are-pedophiles argument, the-all-lesbians-just-hate-men argument, or the next-thing-you-know-we?ll-all-be-marrying dogs-and-horses argument), but for now I?ll dissect some of the other common rhetorical devices deployed by those with an anti-gay mindset.

So without further ado, let?s put these mean bastards under the psychological knife.

The homosexuality-as-choice argument: Those who repeatedly make this claim are actually revealing something about their own sexuality: they are bisexual. Since human beings use a form of mental analogy whenever trying to understand another person?s behavior, the ?choice? argument reflects the reasoning process of an individual who has experienced notable arousal to the same sex in addition to the opposite sex, but has chosen to act only on that inspired by the latter. A true heterosexual, by contrast, has never experienced meaningful same-sex desires and understands that one cannot choose to act on what is simply not there.

The secret bisexuality of those who just cannot seem to grasp that being gay is not, in fact, a choice also helps us to understand the intense hostility that some males feel for openly gay men. Research has shown a positive correlation between a man?s loathing of gay men and his own repressed same-sex desires. ?Since homosexual behavior violates both their moral code and their sense of identity,? explained the psychologists Donald Mosher and Kevin O?Grady long ago, ?homosexual threat is experienced as men become aware at some level of their ? arousal to homosexual stimuli. This awareness can be avoided by anger, disgust, and contempt directed against homosexuals, as a means of bolstering hypersexual identity.? The psychologist Henry Adams has used a device called a plethysmograph that measures penile arousal to show that the more aversion a man says he feels toward gay men?and even more disturbingly, the more willing he is to inflict pain upon them?the more intense is his erection to gay porn.

The homosexuality-is-disgusting argument: One of the most potent propaganda devices is the age-old ploy of dehumanizing the oppressed party by stirring up feelings of disgust for them. The Nazi author of an animated children?s book from 1938 Germany, for example, wrote this for his young readers: ?Just look at these guys! The louse-infested beards! The filthy, protruding ears, those stained, fatty clothes ? Jews oftentimes have an unpleasant sweetish odor. If you have a good nose, you can smell the Jews.? (The author was later executed as a war criminal.)

In our own country?s lamentable past, disgust rhetoric slowed down the hard-won civil rights achievements of women and blacks. In the present case, scatological language litters antigay conversations, along with the portrayal of gay men as being unique carriers of ?horrific diseases? such as AIDS. Over at Free Republic, for example, you?ll read comment after comment such as these:

* If your personal identity revolves around your lust for other men?s stinking anuses, a particularly disgusting form of depravity that spreads horrific diseases, the chest swells with self-satisfaction. What a sick world we live in.

* homosexuals should never have got their special rights like civil unions let alone marriage or don?t ask in the first place. The ignorant and stupid on our side wanted to appease them because as they usually say ?I know a couple and they are nice? friggin idiots, so when did we base special rights based on fecal diseased sex in the constitution?


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Navigating the Adoption Maze & Succeeding | Family Life

Each year, millions of North Americans consider adopting a child. Unfortunately, many rule out adoption due to lack of knowledge or fears of what they will encounter during the process. As a result, people?s dreams of having a family aren?t realized and children needing homes remain in orphanages or foster care.

The good news is that there are many excellent resources available to help guide you on your journey including some that allow you to learn about adoption from experts in the privacy of your own home. Moreover, many of the things that prospective adoptive parents fear about the adoption process turn out to either not to be problems at all or can be addressed if you?re willing to keep your options open.

Here are five common concerns and their answers:

1. ?I would like a baby, but all our state adoption agency has are older children.? At first, it may seem impossible to adopt an infant or even a child under five. Private agencies, religious-related organizations, private adoptions, and foreign countries often offer infants and younger children.

2. ?Local adoption agencies say I?m too old to adopt.? While it?s true that there are rules on age, they vary widely. The age restrictions of your state agency will likely vary from that of a private agency or that of foreign countries such as Russia, China, Korea, and Guatemala. Some look at the ages of both of the perspective parents, others only one. If you keep your options open there?s almost certainly a path for you to adopt.

3. ?Will I be able to handle a special needs child?? The answer to this question largely depends on how much time, knowledge, and energy you have to devote to a child and how involved his or her challenges are. Usually you can get the knowledge you need to raise a child with special needs from your doctor, specialists with your local school district, and from online sites parents and professionals have created. Of course, the most important part is to know what you?re prepared to handle before you adopt, and work with your adoption professional to find the right match for you and your new child.

4. ?How will a child fit into my family?? Adopted children blend into a family just like a biological child does. Once you get past the initial getting acquainted period, your adopted child will seem as naturally a part of your family as any child ever could. Plus, there are plenty of families with both adopted and biological children.

5. ?How will an adopted child impact my life?? Virtually everyone says their child enriched their life far more than they ever imagined. There are very few ?sure things? in life, but the joy and love an adopted child brings you are about as certain as anything can be.

Most people have lots of reservations when they start thinking about adoption. Adopting an older child, a child with special needs, or a child of another race or nationality all bring their own questions and concerns. Let me assure you that this only normal ? and you are not alone. However, do not let these fears keep you from exploring your dream of starting or growing your family.

Adoption is one of life?s most wonderful endeavors. If you are thinking about adopting a child, please take time to get answers to your questions. There are a number of top sites, fellow parents, and accessible experts who are ready to help you.

About the Author: Want to find out about rhododendron care, rhubarb season and other information? Get tips from the Gardening Central website.


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George Clay

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Category: Lead Generation & Appointment Setting


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Big Lens of Boats | The Kingdom of Squidoo ?

Boats are brilliant aren't they? Fast, powerful and fun, boats come in all shapes and sizes, colours, styles and prices. Boats are a little luxury most of us can't afford.

But you may be able too!

Boats are coming down in price quite a lot, so you can even buy a boat for no more than - say a decent car. Sometimes even less.

Read ?


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Turkmenistan launches second political party

ASHGABAT (Reuters) - Turkmenistan launched its second political party on Tuesday, a token nod to democracy unlikely to pose any challenge to the absolute rule of President Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov in the reclusive, gas-rich Central Asian state.

The 300-member Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs held its inaugural meeting two years after the president ordered the creation of a multi-party system in the ex-Soviet republic.

State media reported that Orazmammed Mammedov, a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs - which itself was signed into being by the president last year - was elected chairman of the new party.

Known as Arkadag, or The Patron, Berdymukhamedov is president, prime minister, commander of the armed forces and leader of the Democratic Party which, until now, was the only legally registered political force in Turkmenistan.

Analysts are skeptical that the 54-year-old qualified dentist plans to relax his tight grip on the desert nation of 5.5 million people bordering Iran and Afghanistan, which BP says holds the world's fourth-largest natural gas reserves.

Turkmen opposition activists live in exile and rights groups regularly rank the country among the world's most repressive. Human Rights Watch said in its latest annual report that media and religious freedoms were subject to "draconian restrictions."

Keen to win investment for the country's gas ambitions, Berdymukhamedov has taken steps to bring Turkmenistan out of the isolation that accompanied the eccentric rule of predecessor Saparmurat Niyazov, who banned opera and renamed the months of the year.

In his first public comments after winning re-election in February, Berdymukhamedov said he aimed to build a market economy and multi-party political system. He has also approved the creation of a third, agrarian party.

Berdymukhamedov extended his term by five years by winning 97 percent of votes in the February 12 election, which was shunned by the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe because of its lack of competition.

Berdymukhamedov set himself up against seven token challengers drawn from government ministries and state enterprises, several of whom openly praised the president's achievements prior to the vote.

(Writing by Robin Paxton; Editing by Mark Heinrich)


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