Sunday, August 19, 2012

'Iran welcomes military threats by Tel Aviv to end Israel?s life'

Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the aerospace commander of the IRGC, said Iran ?welcomes? such threats of military attack because it will give a ?pretext? to put an end to the life of this regime ?for ever and get the humanity rid of this cancerous tumor?.


Hajizadeh said ?the Islamic resistance and anti-Zionist front? have been waiting to ?take a serious and fateful revenge of the blood of the martyrs of the oppressed Palestinians, Sabra and Shatila (massacre), Lebanon?s Qana, the nuclear martyrs of the Islamic Iran, and thousands of other martyrs.?


The military commander went on to say that ?the ideal of the annihilation of the Zionist regime? will be realized and ?a new Middle East will be created in the region with the will of Muslim nations? in the case these military threats by Israel are put into practice.


However, he said ?we believe? the military threats by Israeli leaders are a ?psychological warfare? as the presidential election in the United States is approaching and Iran is preparing to host Non-Aligned Movement summit.


?However,? he added, ?if they want to put in action their threats this would be the only positive move by this ?baby killer? regime in its nasty life.?



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