Friday, November 16, 2012

Tons of Animal Crossing: New Leaf Footage and Screenshots ...

The Nintendo 3DS Blog has just updated with loads of new screenshots and videos of Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

The screenshots show a variety of brand new shirts and headwear, including a frog suit, fish bowl, a freaky tribal/animal mask, and a Santa costume (sack included!).

There are some other notable things in the images. Fish that you catch seem much more detailed than before, and it seems that you can now catch them by hand as you?re swimming as well as via fishing rod. There is also what appears to be a climbing frame, suggesting we?ll see some playground/park features. Slides and swings? My dreams may be coming true.

Catch all the new screenshots here.

As for the videos, you can watch the singing pooch K. K. Slider perform ?K. K. Rider!? and ?K. K. Bossa?. The island that Kapp?n takes you to home to mini-games, a first for the series. In one, you compete to pop as many balloons as you can with your catapult, another sees four players bopping each other with hammers, compete to catch bugs, dig for valuables, among others. Oh, and one video shows Resetti getting mad, as he does. We know you?ve missed him.

Earlier today we reported that Nintendo had hidden a secret song in the game that fans may recognise. Read about it here.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf?is out now in Japan, and is coming to North America in the first or second fiscal quarter of 2013. Sadly, there is no word on a European release just yet.

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Related posts:

  1. Nintendo?s Hidden Song in Animal Crossing: New Leaf
  2. Animal Crossing: New Leaf Screenshots Show New Halloween Costumes
  3. Animal Crossing: New Leaf Awarded 39/40 in Famitsu
  4. Animal Crossing: New Leaf ? New Info in 70 Minutes of Footage
  5. Animal Crossing 3DS won?t have paid DLC

About the Author

avatar My name is Reece, and I'm an aspiring writer from England. I've been into gaming since I was about 4 years old, playing the Game Boy, PSOne and Sega Mega Drive (Genesis to you Americans!). Having these systems around during my youth lead to the greatest and most-anticipated Christmas ever - the year I got my N64! Open to any system and genre, I remain completely unbiased as a proud owner of a Wii, Xbox 360, PS3 and 3DS. Come on Vita, give me more reasons to buy you too!My favourite games are Resident Evil 2, Zelda: The Wind Waker, Streets of Rage 2, Left 4 Dead, Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Yoshi's Island. I also write news for You can catch me on Twitter:


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