Sunday, April 8, 2012

Symptoms of Mono (Infectious Mononucleosis) - Health and Fitness

Infectious mononucleosis???? ?n acute febrile illness caused b? Ebstein-Barr virus, a member ?f th?herpesviridae?family commonly spread b? saliva transfer.?Infectious mononucleosis?h?? ?th?r names ?nd ?? ?l?? known ???mono??n North America,?IM,?EBV infectious mononucleosis,?glandular fever?n ?th?r English-speaking countries,Pfeiffer?s disease??r?Filatov?s disease??nd sometimes colloquially ?? th??kissing disease?fr?m ?t? oral transmission. Th? disease ?? caused b? ebstein-barr virus t? wh??h more th?n 90% ?f th? population h??? b??n exposed majority ?f wh??h occurred ?t a tender age wh?r? th??symptoms??r? non specific ?nd mild. Mono commonly affects adolescents ?nd young adults wh?r? ?t? symptoms ?r? easily noticeable.

Symptoms ?f Mono ?n Teenagers/ Adults

Mono symptoms tend t? appear ?n around four t? six weeks following th? initial infection. Th? initial symptoms associated w?th th?? condition include malaise ?r lack ?f energy along w?th chills ?nd loss ?f appetite. Th??? symptoms ?r? experienced f?r ?n initial period ?f one t? around three days. Symptoms l?k??sore throat??tend t? b? worse during th? period ?f first five t? around seven days ?f th? condition. Th? soreness th?n tends t? subside ?nd th? swelling ?n th? glands ?l?? subsides ?ft?r th? third week.

Th? infection ?? spread via saliva ?nd h?? ?n incubation period ?f 4?7 weeks. Symptoms usually persist f?r 2?3 weeks, b?t fatigue ?? ?ft?n more prolonged.

Th? classical symptoms ?f mononucleosis ?r? divided ?nt?:

Th? early/beginning/first symptoms ?f mono

Infectious mononucleosis usually manifests w?th non specific symptoms ?nd symptoms similar t? ??m? ?th?r diseases ?nd conditions l?k? streptococcal sore throat. S?m? ?f th?early symptoms ?f mono??include:

  • malaise
  • fatigue
  • loss ?f appetite/ Anorexia
  • Chills

Aft?r th? initial prodromal period, th? more d?f?n?t? symptoms set ?n w?th:

  • sore throat wh??h ???ld b? sever ?nd ?? ?ft?n d???r?b?d ?? th? w?r?t sore throat th? child h?? ???r h?d
  • fever
  • weight loss
  • pharyngeal inflammation
  • vomiting
  • Petechiae

Signs ?f infectious Mononucleosis

Common signs ?f infectious mononucleosis include:

  • Lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes)
  • Splenomegaly (enlarged spleen): Th? spleen (sometimes referred t? ?? th? body?s b?gg??t lymph node) ?? ?n organ found ?n th? left upper abdomen underneath th? rib cage, wh??h becomes enlarged ?r swollen ?n ?b??t 50% ?f patients w?th mono.
  • Hepatitis (refers t? inflammation ?f hepatocytes?cells ?n th? liver)
  • Hemolysis (th? rupture ?f red blood cells).

Older adults ?r? less l?k?l? t? h??? a sore throat ?r lymphadenopathy, b?t ?r? instead more l?k?l? t? present w?th hepatomegaly (enlargement ?f th? liver) ?nd jaundice.

Rarer signs ?nd symptoms ?f mono include:

  • Thrombocytopenia (lower levels ?f platelets), w?th ?r without pancytopenia (lower levels ?f ?ll types ?f blood cells)
  • Splenic rupture
  • Splenic hemorrhage
  • Upper airway obstruction
  • Pericarditis
  • Pneumonitis
  • Erythema multiforme
  • Neck stiffness
  • Nose bleed
  • Cough
  • Chest pain
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Sensitivity t? light
  • Hives
  • Shortness ?f breath.

Symptoms ?f mono ?n Children

Mono ?n children between th? ages ?f 4 ?nd 15 ?? difficult t? detect ?nd th? symptoms ?f mono ?n th? children seem t? b? mild. Th? virus m?? cause a mild illness th?t ?? similar t? a common respiratory infection. Th? symptoms ?f mono ?n children include:

  • Mild illness ?r fever
  • Loss ?f appetite
  • Light fatigue

Symptoms ?f mono ?n toddlers?/kids

Mono symptoms ?n kids ?r? less severe ?nd th? mono symptoms ?n such cases m?? mimic th? symptoms ?f ?th?r childhood illnesses. Th?? condition ?? largely transmitted through saliva ?nd ??n ?l?? pass wh?n infected individuals cough ?r sneeze. Sharing ?f beverages ?r food fr?m infected containers ??n ?l?? result ?n spreading ?f th?? condition.

Infectious mononucleosis ?? generally self-limiting ?nd ?nl? symptomatic ?nd/?r supportive treatments ?r? used. In m??t cases ?f mono, n? specific treatment ?? necessary. Bed rest ?nd fluids h?w???r ?r? recommended. Wh?n th? patient?s temperature returns t? normal, th?? ?h??ld gradually resume normal activities ?? strength returns. Note th?t strength m?? take many days t? weeks t? return t? normal ?ft?r th? disease h?? ?????d.

Drugs f?r?mononucleosis treatment?

Drugs ?r? n?t frequently used b?????? th? disease ?? a self limiting one h?w???r; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) l?k? ibuprofen m?? b? used t? reduce fever ?nd pain. Prednisone, a corticosteroid, ?? commonly used ?? ?n anti-inflammatory t? reduce symptoms ?f pharyngeal pain, odynophagia, ?r enlarged tonsils, although ?t? ??? remains controversial due t? th? r?th?r limited benefit ?nd th? potential ?f side effects.

Tips f?r th? care ?f individuals w?th mono

F?r a fever ?nd pain ?f swollen lymph glands: ??? acetaminophen ?r ibuprofen.

F?r a sore throat: drink milk shakes, fruit juices, ?nd broths, ?nd eat ???l, bland foods. Additionally, gargle w?th saltwater ?nd take aspirin.

Note: If mono ?? accompanied b? a streptococcal infection ?f th? throat, ?n antibiotic w?ll b? prescribed t? treat th?t condition. In severe cases, corticosteroid drugs th?t reduce swelling m?? b? prescribed.

W?th ?n enlarged spleen: avoid contact sports f?r ?t l???t four weeks.

M??t people recover ?n six t? eight weeks, b?t ?n ??m? cases take ?? long ?? six months f?r complete recovery. A tired feeling, wh??h m?? include depression, ?? th? last symptom t? disappear. Mono m?? return ?n a milder form within a few months. Mono ?lm??t never reappears ?n full-blown form ?ft?r a year.

Remember t? see ???r doctor ?f ??? ?r? having symptoms l?k? th? ones mentioned above.

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