Friday, August 31, 2012

The Business of Law: Trotz ge?ndertem Programm: Meiden Sie die ...

This is an update and follow up to my first post on GOAL and KPOC, who are responsible for the Global LPO and Litigation Outsourcing conferences in London and New York.

After I disclosed in ?Conference Scam: Beware of GOAL? how GOAL and KPOC have stolen most of the topics for their London and New York conference from ACC and other organizations, GOAL reacted and initiated several measures to remedy at least some of the issues:

The statement GOAL issued yesterday on its website and LinkedIn Group is appreciated. However, this does not mean that all issues are solved:

  • The statement mentions that ?External Research and IT Teams made a mistake.? The setting of the agenda should be the core responsibility of every conference organizer. It is difficult to understand how you can outsource this task to an external research team. Also, it is more than embarrassing if an outsourcing association (GOAL) or outsourcing consulting company (KPOC) seems not to be in a position to choose reliable external outsourcing partners.
  • I am surprised that the statement does not mention who the External Research and IT Teams were that made a mistake. The site with all Goal partners lists one Research Partner, RichCount. The link to reveals a parked website, no further information. Owner of the parked domain is Neeraj Parnami, Neyox Outsourcing Pvt. Ltd., West Coast 1235 Puerta del Sol, #100 San Clemente. GOAL and KPOC have exactly the same US address. It seems that the mistake was not caused by an external partner, but by a very close affiliate of GOAL / KPOC. Furthermore: If Neyox and RichCount were involved in this mistake, why are they then still listed and recommended to the conference audience as partners?
  • The statement understates that ?few? of the topics have been copied from ACC. Fact is however, that GOAL copied 44% of the NY and 63% of the London conference topics from ACC.
  • The corrected speakers information for the London event contained again one member of ACC Europe?s board that never confirmed participation. Only after this person complained with P. Parnami, his picture and bio was removed.
  • The statement offers no information or explanation on the issues raised in section 3 of this post. How is GOAL organized? Who are the directors? How are they elected? What are the rights of GOAL members? Who is in charge of GOAL?s finances? What happens with GOAL?s profits? Why are speakers made believe that they act for GOAL when factually all profits of webinars and conferences are to the benefit of KPOC? How do GOAL and KPOC cooperate? Is the profit of the conferences and webinars shared with GOAL, does GOAL profit in any way from its cooperation with KPOC? What happens with the member fees paid by GOAL members? Where can members see tha accounts of GOAL? etc.

Given their past mistakes, GOAL was well advised to make these changes to program and website and to issue the statement. However, blaming an anonymous third party seems to me no more than a paltry excuse. I somehow have the impression that the persons behind the organization knew exactly what they were doing: ?Let?s try it, if someone complains, we can still re-draft the program. Not much to worry here, non-profit organizations like ACC are not aggressive, maybe they complain, but chances are low that they sue us.?

Reputable organizations do not use such methods, and if they outsource certain tasks, they ensure that the outsourcing partners are reliable and comply with the law. I therefore still advise to avoid GOAL and their conferences. There are sufficient alternatives, you should choose one of these alternatives if you want to spend your money for conferences.


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